
zsh已开启命令补全并加载zsh-autosuggestions,可以用_命令名的函数作命令补全。现在我有一个脚本myr,以其它命令作为参数。比如myr ls ~,怎么写命令补全?这个脚本接受参数和sudo很像,只是没有-A那些参数。zsh里对于sudo的命令补全是这样的,怎么在这个基础上改写?谢谢哈。
_sudo () {
setopt localoptions extended_glob
local environ e cmd cpp
local -a args _comp_priv_prefix
local -A opt_args
zstyle -a “:completion:${curcontext}:” environ environ
for e in “${environ[@]}”
local -x “$e”
args=(‘(-A --askpass)’{-A,–askpass}‘[use a helper program for password prompting]’ ‘(-B --bell)’{-B,–bell}‘[ring bell when prompting]’ ‘(-C --close-from)’{-C+,–close-from=}‘[close file descriptors]:lowest fd to close’ ‘(-D --chdir)’{-D+,–chdir=}‘[change the working directory before running command]:directory:_directories’ ‘(-g --group)’{-g+,–group=}‘[run command as the specified group name or ID]:group:_groups’ ‘(-)’{-h,–help}‘[display help message and exit]’ ‘(-h --host)’{-h+,–host=}‘[run command on host]:host:_hosts’ ‘(-K --remove-timestamp)’{-K,–remove-timestamp}‘[remove timestamp file completely]’ ‘(-k --reset-timestamp)’{-k,–reset-timestamp}‘[invalidate timestamp file]’ *{-l,–list}“[list user’s privileges or check a specific command]” ‘(-n --non-interactive)’{-n,–non-interactive}‘[non-interactive mode, no prompts are used]’ ‘(-p --prompt)’{-p+,–prompt=}‘[use the specified password prompt]:prompt’ ‘(-R --chroot)’{-R+,–chroot=}‘[change the root directory before running command]:directory:_directories’ ‘(-r --role)’{-r+,–role=}‘[create SELinux security context with specified role]: :_selinux_roles’ ‘(-S --stdin)’{-S,–stdin}‘[read password from standard input]’ ‘(-t --type)’{-t+,–type=}‘[create SELinux security context with specified type]: :_selinux_types’ ‘(-T --command-timeout)’{-T+,–command-timeout=}‘[terminate command after specified time limit]:timeout’ ‘(-U --other-user)’{-U+,–other-user=}‘[in list mode, display privileges for user]:user:_users’ ‘(-u --user)’{-u+,–user=}‘[run command (or edit file) as specified user]:user:_users’ ‘(-)’{-V,–version}‘[display version information and exit]’ ‘(-v --validate)’{-v,–validate}“[update user’s timestamp without running a command]”)
if [[ $service = sudoedit ]] || (( $words[(i)-e] < $words[(i)^(sudo|-[^-])] ))
args=(-A “-" $args ‘!(-V --version -h --help)-e’ ':file:_files’)
$cmd -n
args+=('(-e --edit 1 )‘{-e,–edit}’[edit files instead of running a command]’ ‘(-s --shell)’{-s,–shell}‘[run shell as the target user; a command may also be specified]’ ‘(-i --login)’{-i,–login}‘[run login shell as the target user; a command may also be specified]’ ‘(-b --background -i --login -s --shell -e --edit)’{-b,–background}‘[run command in the background]’ ‘(–preserve-env -i --login -s --shell -e --edit)-E[preserve user environment when running command]’ ‘(-E -i --login -s --shell -e --edit)–preserve-env=-[preserve user environment when running command]::environment variable:_sequence _parameters -g “export”’ ‘(-H --set-home -i --login -s --shell -e --edit)’{-H,–set-home}“[set HOME variable to target user’s home dir]” ‘(-P --preserve-groups -i -login -s --shell -e --edit)’{-P,–preserve-groups}“[preserve group vector instead of setting to target’s]” “(-)1: :{ $cpp; _command_names -e }” ":: :{ $cpp; _normal }")
_arguments -s -S $args
