debian12 stable 锁屏一定时间后无反应

debian12 stable, 2400G+b450m台式机,英特尔的sata接口ssd,一块1T西数。表现为短时间锁屏没有问题,时间一长后,按什么键都不起作用,包括进入tty的组合键,键盘上的caps按下去灯也不亮,同时机箱上的红灯长亮(读写硬盘)。



你可以考虑用 ssh 远程连接系统然后监控 dmesg 或者 journalctl。

重启系统后能在 journalctl 找到上次一死机前的日志吗?

主要的,现在多数是usb输入设备,如果楼主 bios设置没有启用iommu,输入设备又插在主板彩色usb口,键盘能唤醒才怪。

我那台英伟达显卡的机器也是这样 ,另外一台核显机器正常。我一直认为是英伟达显卡的问题 :joy:



所以你能提供任何相关日志吗?这是诊断问题的最主要途径之一(另一个可能是找一个身边的 Linux 高手)

并用root运行sudo update-grub并重启生效。
sudo apt install firmware-linux-nonfree


iommu 是硬件虚拟化的功能,就算内核参数开了你的主板 BIOS 不开也不会有用的,而且开这个和系统冻结的关系我觉得也纯属 cargo cult。

首先你可以去翻翻 journalctl 看看之前系统冻结的日志还在不在;另外你可以在下次冻结的时候用 sys-rq 看看能不能抢救回日志信息,尝试存盘后重启。

另外,如果单纯是键盘失灵,你还可以尝试用 ssh 访问系统。

尽管到目前仍然没有任何日志信息,根据描述我猜测问题可能是电源管理相关的问题。尝试调整 BIOS 中的电源管理配置,或者内核 PCIe 节电配置,或者 USB 节电配置,或者检查固件是否正确安装(比如前面提到的firmware-linux-nonfree)也许会有效。尝试搜索该型号主板和 CPU 组合加上“freeze”关键字也许会有相关案例。


有人提到修改 BIOS 的节电设置比如 Power Supply Idle Control 设置为Typical Current Idle,还有人提到可以尝试修改内核 idle 模式为 halt,这可能会有助于诊断问题。


试用了sudo journalctl | grep ‘2月 27’ >> 日志.txt ,但是内容太多,哪怕12点至12点半这段发生日期内的行数也太多。下次再发生类似情况,我记下准确时间点,再在这里帖出来吧。麻烦您了。

因为 journalctl 默认输出是你电脑上所有的日志,得有几 GB。用 --since 和 --until 指定时间和日期即可。


3月 11 11:49:08 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Renew-Subscription last error: 1280 成功
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR: clearing cookies and reconnecting
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Failed to reconnect 无效的参数
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Renew-Subscription last error: 1280 成功
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR: clearing cookies and reconnecting
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Failed to reconnect 无效的参数
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Renew-Subscription last error: 1280 成功
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR: clearing cookies and reconnecting
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Failed to reconnect 无效的参数
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost plasmashell[4430]: libkcups: Request failed 1280 -1
3月 11 11:49:09 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:49:10 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:49:10 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 11:49:10 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:49:11 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 11:49:11 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:12 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:13 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:13 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 11:49:24 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 11:49:24 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:49:25 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 11:49:59 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 11:49:59 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 11:50:01 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:50:01 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:50:02 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 11:50:03 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:50:04 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 11:50:05 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:50:07 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:50:07 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:50:07 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 11:50:31 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 11:50:32 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 11:51:44 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:52:04 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:52:52 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 11:53:30 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:53:43 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 11:53:43 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:53:43 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:53:43 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:53:43 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 11:54:38 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 11:54:44 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:54:51 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 11:58:02 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 11:58:06 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 11:58:30 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 11:58:49 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 11:59:09 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130004.7647] device (wlp37s0): set-hw-addr: set MAC address to D2:35:71:28:BB:07 (scanning)
3月 11 11:59:21 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 11:59:22 localhost smartd[3358]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 190 Temperature_Case changed from 31 to 40
3月 11 11:59:27 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130004.7927] device (wlp37s0): supplicant interface state: inactive → interface_disabled
3月 11 11:59:27 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130004.7927] device (p2p-dev-wlp37s0): supplicant management interface state: inactive → interface_disabled
3月 11 11:59:27 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:59:27 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 11:59:27 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 12:00:15 localhost smartd[3358]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], is in STANDBY mode, suspending checks
3月 11 12:01:03 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.
3月 11 12:01:04 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoting known real-time threads.
3月 11 12:01:22 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 23151 of process 22565.
3月 11 12:01:37 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 20274 of process 19402.
3月 11 12:01:47 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6496 of process 6192.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130004.7973] device (wlp37s0): supplicant interface state: interface_disabled → inactive
3月 11 12:02:13 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 6024 of process 5873.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130004.7973] device (p2p-dev-wlp37s0): supplicant management interface state: interface_disabled → inactive
3月 11 12:02:41 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 5808 of process 5596.
3月 11 12:02:58 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4854 of process 4195.
3月 11 12:03:15 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4852 of process 4195.
3月 11 12:03:34 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Successfully demoted thread 4195 of process 4195.
3月 11 12:03:37 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Demoted 8 threads.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost v2raya[4434]: Quitting…
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost systemd[1]: Starting lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service…
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost sh[25378]: laptop-mode: Battery polling disabled
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost systemd[1]: lmt-poll.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:06:44 localhost systemd[1]: Finished lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: Failed with result ‘oom-kill’.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: Consumed 38min 4.359s CPU time.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped v2raya.service - v2rayA Service.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: Consumed 38min 4.359s CPU time.
3月 11 12:06:45 localhost systemd[1]: Started v2raya.service - v2rayA Service.
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost systemd[1]: fwupd.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost systemd[1]: fwupd.service: Consumed 40.714s CPU time.
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130006.6782] device (wlp37s0): set-hw-addr: set MAC address to 96:5D:2C:07:56:DD (scanning)
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130006.6935] device (wlp37s0): supplicant interface state: inactive → disconnected
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130006.6935] device (p2p-dev-wlp37s0): supplicant management interface state: inactive → disconnected
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130006.6986] device (wlp37s0): supplicant interface state: disconnected → inactive
3月 11 12:06:46 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130006.6986] device (p2p-dev-wlp37s0): supplicant management interface state: disconnected → inactive
3月 11 12:07:48 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:07:48 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:08:22 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:08:22 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:09:31 localhost systemd[1]: Starting lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service…
3月 11 12:09:31 localhost sh[25629]: laptop-mode: Battery polling disabled
3月 11 12:09:31 localhost systemd[1]: lmt-poll.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:09:31 localhost systemd[1]: Finished lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service.
3月 11 12:09:36 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:09:36 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:10:53 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:10:53 localhost rtkit-daemon[4074]: Supervising 0 threads of 0 processes of 0 users.
3月 11 12:11:33 localhost kernel: r8169 0000:22:00.0 enp34s0: Link is Down
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.8357] device (enp34s0): state change: activated → unavailable (reason ‘carrier-changed’, sys-iface-state: ‘managed’)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.8605] dhcp4 (enp34s0): canceled DHCP transaction
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.8605] dhcp4 (enp34s0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.8613] dhcp4 (enp34s0): state changed no lease
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.8686] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to ‘localhost.localdomain’ (no hostname found)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Withdrawing address record for on enp34s0.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost dbus-daemon[3347]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name=‘org.freedesktop.hostname1’ unit=‘dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service’ requested by ‘:1.11’ (uid=0 pid=3572 comm=“/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon”)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp34s0.IPv4 with address
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Interface enp34s0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::ecad:f853:2b00:ef0b on enp34s0.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp34s0.IPv6 with address fe80::ecad:f853:2b00:ef0b.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost avahi-daemon[3342]: Interface enp34s0.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost systemd[1]: Starting systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service…
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost dbus-daemon[3347]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.hostname1’
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-hostnamed.service - Hostname Service.
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost systemd-hostnamed[25693]: Hostname set to (static)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost NetworkManager[3572]: [1710130299.9610] manager: NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost dbus-daemon[3347]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name=‘org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher’ unit=‘dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service’ requested by ‘:1.11’ (uid=0 pid=3572 comm=“/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon”)
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost systemd[1]: Starting NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service…
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost dbus-daemon[3347]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher’
3月 11 12:11:39 localhost systemd[1]: Started NetworkManager-dispatcher.service - Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
3月 11 12:11:40 localhost plasmashell[4430]: Could not find the Plasmoid for Plasma::FrameSvgItem(0x7f03a0024a10) QQmlContext(0x557f5fc42ef0) QUrl(“file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml”)
3月 11 12:11:40 localhost plasmashell[4430]: Could not find the Plasmoid for Plasma::FrameSvgItem(0x7f03a0024a10) QQmlContext(0x557f5fc42ef0) QUrl(“file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml”)
3月 11 12:11:50 localhost systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:12:10 localhost systemd[1]: Starting lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service…
3月 11 12:12:10 localhost systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:12:10 localhost sh[25731]: laptop-mode: Battery polling disabled
3月 11 12:12:10 localhost systemd[1]: lmt-poll.service: Deactivated successfully.
3月 11 12:12:10 localhost systemd[1]: Finished lmt-poll.service - Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service.
3月 11 12:12:11 localhost kernel: r8169 0000:22:00.0 enp34s0: Link is Down
3月 11 12:12:28 localhost kernel: r8169 0000:22:00.0 enp34s0: Link is Down
– Boot d8081c1c3afb49b8a97b0fa2e94fcac0 –
3月 11 04:18:10 localhost systemd-timesyncd[3378]: System clock time unset or jumped backwards, restoring from recorded timestamp: Mon 2024-03-11 12:17:05 CST
3月 11 12:17:05 localhost systemd-timesyncd[3378]: The system is configured to read the RTC time in the local time zone. This mode cannot be fully supported. All system time to RTC updates are disabled.
3月 11 12:17:05 localhost systemd[1]: Started systemd-timesyncd.service - Network Time Synchronization.



3月 11 12:06:44 localhost systemd[1]: v2raya.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer.

v2raya 被 OOM Killer 杀掉了。

单纯从这段日志看,我没有在 12 点 12 分 48 秒以前发现任何可能是系统冻结的原因。


sudo journalctl --since=“2024-03-11 11:30:00” --until=“2024-03-11 12:20:00” >>~/a.txt


又发生了几次。看日志,都发生了v2raya killed by OOM killer. 因为我的电脑是挂着v2raya同时使用手机热点,几次屏幕无反应都发生在较长时间(10分钟以上)拿手机离开电脑的情况下。所以估计是v2raya连接不上网络,所以开始疯狂连,吃掉内存,然后被OOM杀掉,然后造成假死。因为这种情况前提较多,所以别人既很难复现,网上同类问题也较少。最近我离开电脑前会杀掉v2raya进程,好像没有再次出现同类问题。有情况再来更新。