分享一个脚本:apt.sh, a user-friendly shell wrapper for pacman in msys2.

This is a user-friendly shell wrapper for pacman in msys2, you can use it just as using the real apt in a debian system.

Why not just use pacman

Because pacman sucks.


usage: apt.sh COMMAND [OPTIONS] [arguments]

    update [OPTION]               update list of available packages
    show PACKAGES                 show package details
    download PACKAGES             download packages
    search REGEX                  search packages
    list [OPTION]                 list packages
    install [OPTION] PACKAGES     install packages
    reinstall [OPTION] PACKAGES   reinstall packages
    full-upgrade                  upgrade the system
    remove PACKAGES               remove packages
    autoremove [PACKAGES]         automatically remove all unused packages
    clean                         remove all files from the cache
    autoclean                     remove old packages from the cache
    mark OPTION PACKAGES          mark packages as manually or automatically installed
    -l PACKAGES                   list files owned by specific packages
    -s FILES                      search for packages that own specific files
    completion                    install the completion file
    help                          show this help message

Most commands are similar to the real apt’s commands, but:

  • install and reinstall can also accept urls or files as arguments
  • --mark-auto will mark packages as automatically installed in any cases
  • mark is similar to apt-mark
  • -l and -s are similar to dpkg -L and dpkg -S respectively


curl -Lfo /usr/local/bin/apt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/beavailable/apt.sh/main/apt.sh


rm -f /usr/local/bin/apt /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions/apt


After installing the completion file, in all cases that a package name is needed as an argument, you can simply type -<tab> to complete the current MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX for you.

For example, if you type apt install -<tab>, you’ll get:

  • apt install mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64- in UCRT64 environment
  • apt install mingw-w64-clang-x86_64- in CLANG64 environment
  • apt install - in MSYS environment (no changes)

And because of this, you need to type --<tab> to complete options in these cases.

Github: GitHub - beavailable/apt.sh: A user-friendly shell wrapper for pacman in msys2.

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