163邮箱的imap已开通。~/Mail/163下面的cur/new啥的都建好了。thunderbird同样设置可接收邮件。但是getmail -n提示:
mailbox b’INBOX’ not selectable (INBOX) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
# 邮箱的账户信息,用于收取邮件.
type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
server = imap.163.com
username = xx@163.com
port = 993
password = xxxx
# 如何处理已经收取到的邮件
type = Maildir
path = ~/Mail/163/
# 默认为True, 每次执行getmail收取全部邮件, False表示只收取未收取过的邮件
read_all = False
# 本地删除服务器是否也删除邮件
delete = False
message_log = ~/.getmail/getmail.log
mailboxes = ALL
mailbox b’INBOX’ not selectable (INBOX) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe8\x8d\x89\xe7\xa8\xbf\xe7\xae\xb1’ not selectable (草稿箱) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe5\xb7\xb2\xe5\x8f\x91\xe9\x80\x81’ not selectable (已发送) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe5\xb7\xb2\xe5\x88\xa0\xe9\x99\xa4’ not selectable (已删除) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe5\x9e\x83\xe5\x9c\xbe\xe9\x82\xae\xe4\xbb\xb6’ not selectable (垃圾邮件) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x91\x8a\xe9\x82\xae\xe4\xbb\xb6’ not selectable (广告邮件) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
mailbox b’\xe8\xae\xa2\xe9\x98\x85\xe9\x82\xae\xe4\xbb\xb6’ not selectable (订阅邮件) - verify the mailbox exists and you have sufficient permissions
0 messages (0 bytes) retrieved, 0 skipped