Meanwhile in Gnome: there still no thumbnail support in the file picker after 17 years.
No single click as well: Bug 121113 – File chooser requires double clicking (including 2 patches!)
I know right? Notice how there are a dozen or more forks of Gnome but no forks of KDE Plasma.
Now Gnome on the other hand feels the same, mostly. Some minor tweaks, but sometimes it feels like a downgrade or just a change to be a change. Like the top being dynamically transparent to being changed to all black. Or the UI change from Gnome 3 to 40, with many users complaining that it breaks their work flow. I’ve never seen this “work flow breaking” issue on KDE and I’m thrilled it never has.
Well, when we designed Plasma’s architecture, we knew that we could never make everyone happy at the same time, and that eventually someone will want to change or replace even the most central components of the workspace. So we went ahead and made that part of our design. As a result, your Plasma is a collection and layout of interchangeable components (Plasmoids, themes, layouts, etc.). So, if someone (individual, distro, whatever) wants to provide a different user experience, they can do that without forking.
As another result (and just the same part of the design), we can offer user experiences for different devices, based on the same (or different) components that match thr hardwarr and usecase.
A traditional free software application is configurable so that it has the union of all features anyone’s ever seen in any equivalent application on any other historical platform. Or even configurable to be the union of all applications that anyone’s ever seen on any historical platform (Emacs cough).
Does this hurt anything? Yes it does. It turns out that preferences have a cost. Of course, some preferences also have important benefits – and can be crucial interface features. But each one has a price, and you have to carefully consider its value. Many users and developers don’t understand this, and end up with a lot of cost and little value for their preferences dollar.
然而现阶段用 Linux 桌面的普通人太少,而且 Linux 桌面离移动设备差了十万八千里,这自然会被技术人员、Linux爱好者吐槽,就好像使用 Linux 的人往往觉得 Windows 和 macOS 是渣,而对方阵营觉得 Linux 桌面是。
KDE 的可定制性对普通用户没啥意义,对比下 KDE 的设置中心和其它 DE 的设置中心,就能很明显感受到区别。
Gnome 2被mate fork, gnome 3 被 cinnamon, budgie, cosmic等等fork,然而 kde 没人fork(除了 kde 3停留在老版本,基本没人用)。为什么 kde 没人 fork 呢?原因必然很多,但 kde 并不完美,否则都基于 kde 搞了。 gnome 的“简化”是被大众认同的,关键在于如何简化并没有取得一致,gnome 40简化的太过分了。
btw, kde 社区并不是铁板一块,kde 5搞名词变更时社区差点崩了,kde office也分裂了。