尝试按 Ctrl+Alt+F1 进入 tty1,以 root 身份登录后执行
apt-get install nvidia-xconfig
好像当时只能进入grub bash,应该不会有ctrl+alt+f1进入tty1的选项吧
刚刚重新安装了Debian 8.6.0,选择中文安装,在光盘中使用网络镜像,在线安装等待了一段时间,安装好了后显卡驱动nouveau又恢复了,而且一开始拼音输入法就弄好了。
装完了以后从菜单选择,进行配置是提示如下:You do not appear to be using the Nvidia Xdriver Please edit you configuration file (just run ‘nvidia-xconfig’ as root )and restart the X server 重启后就不能进入图形界面,只能进入字符界面,应该怎么办啊? inittab 也设置了 不行 还有 我进去后 nvidia-xconfig 后出现 using x configuration file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf Backed up file ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’ as ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup’ New X configuration file written to ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’
it works,here is what I do
apt-get install nvidia-driver nvidia-xconfig
You do not appear to be using the Nvidia Xdriver Please edit you configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root )and restart the X server
devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topi … ew-driver/ said no problem for